Remote Learning Spring 2021
Whilst departments will endeavour to keep to the published curriculum plans, it may be necessary to change the order of topics or the activities within them to ensure the teaching is suitable for online learning if the school finds itself in periods of remote education. Students will be kept informed about their lessons through the classroom stream on Google Classrooms and teachers will ensure that any areas that have been unable to be covered appropriately during this period are reviewed or taught when students return to the school building.
The latest information about the topics and skills students are learning during remote education can be found here: Curriculum overview Spring Term 2021
Bassingbourn Village College exists to provide the best quality education for all. A BVC education develops students academically, broadens their experience outside the classroom, teaches character through its core values and prepares them to play a full and effective role in society.
The BVC curriculum offers students a wide range of subject choice without compromising the opportunity to excel in curriculum activities in the sports, creative arts, technologies and humanities through clubs, curriculum experience days and other cross curricular activities.
Our curriculum aims to:
- Provide all students opportunity to fulfil their academic potential
- Encourage the pursuit of excellence and to take pride in their performance
- Engender a love of learning and develop intellectual curiosity and confidence as preparation for lifelong academic development
- Enable students to understand the science of how they learn (metacognition), as well instil the importance of what they are leaning
- Support students to achieve the best possible qualifications and skills for entry to higher education or the workplace
- Cater for the individual through personalised learning
- Offer sufficient flexibility for extra support or stretch where needed, while ensuring equal access and opportunity for all
- Equip students with effective life and learning skills for success in the modern world– literacy, reading, oracy, debating, numeracy, and coding.
- Develop an understanding of the world of work and the careers available to them
- Prepare students to be global citizens and to respect others and the environment around them
- Develop healthy, happy, young people who know how to keep themselves and others safe through our Sex and Relationships Education (SRE), Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) and PSHE provision
Our curriculum is planned to ensure progression in knowledge and skills over the full five years a student attends BVC and to fulfil our College aim.
Our Curriculum Policy can be found on our Policies page.