01763 242344

Year 6/7 Transition

We are currently updating our transition page, however in the meantime you may wish to view our virtual tour and Heads of Department videos.     ALL OUR VIDEOS AND TRANSITION INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND HERE!

Ask us anything!

We have also set up an e-mail address transition@bassingbournvc.org especially for you to be able to ask us any questions you might have about becoming a Year 7 Student at Bassingbourn Village College.

Furthermore, you may want to look at ordering your uniform, details of which can be found here.

We also have some frequently asked questions for all year groups which you may be interested to read which can be found here.

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
