01763 242344

Parents & Friends Association

Who are the Parents and Friends

The Bassingbourn Village College (BVC) Parents & Friends Association (PFA) is a registered charity that supports BVC students by buying needed equipment and supplies which school budgets cannot cover.

How do we fundraise?

We raise funds in a variety of ways. These include running specific events (e.g. quizzes), delivering online raffles and cash draws, selling sweets and treats after school (e.g. Fun Food Fridays), running licensed bars at school events (e.g. the Creative Arts Show), hosting teas, coffees and cake stands at Parents Evenings, Open Evenings etc, as well as receiving monthly standing orders, and donations via shopping at Amazon Smile and Easy Fundraising – plus using employer based donation schemes run through Charitable Giving and Benevity.

What have we achieved?

In 2022 we raised £7,500 for the school, through monthly standing-order donations, delivering an online raffle, selling second-hand school uniform, corporate giving, winning first prize in ASDA’s green token charitable giving scheme, running a school disco, delivering a Christmas 50:50 cash draw, and a host of other events in support of the school.

How do we spend the funds raised?

100% of funds raised are spent on BVC. In the last two years we have purchased for the school a laser cutter for the Design and Technology department, a new mobile laptop/tablet charging lockable cupboard, a variety of equipment for the PE, Arts/Drama, Language and Science departments, including new sound equipment (microphones, cables and stands), event shelters, gym matts, online teaching classes and subscriptions, a life sized skeleton (!), blood pressure and height measurement devices, as well as recycling bins for the whole school.

We’re now looking to help purchase new sound and lighting equipment for the various arts, showcases, drama and productions put on by the school.

How can I stay in touch and get involved?

1. Ensure you have “opted-in” to receive emails from the PFA – if in doubt, check with the school office: office@bassingbournvc.org

2. Stay in touch through our Facebook Page (also home to our online second-hand uniform sale): www.facebook.com/groups/parentsandfriendsofbvc

3. Easy Fundraising – shopping online? Give to the Charity as you shop! use this link

4. Monthly Standing Order – £2 a month (or more) would go a long way. The account details are listed below, and if you are eligible for Gift Aid, please download, complete and email the Gift Aid form to the address below.

5. Write to us at pfa@bassingbournvc.org with any questions, ideas, and/or to get involved




Account Name: Bassingbourn Village College PTA Group

Sort code: 60-18-42

Account NUMBER: 20560842

Multiple Donation plus Gift Aid

Single Donation plus Gift Aid


PFA Newsletters

Parents & Friends of BVC Newsletter, February 2022

Parents & Friends of BVC Newsletter, May 2022

Parents & Friends of BVC Newsletter, August 2022

Parents & Friends of BVC Newsletter, April 2023

Parents & Friends of BVC Newsletter, September 2023

Parents & Friends of BVC Newsletter, July 2024


PFA Privacy Notice:  PFA-privacy-notice


Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
