01763 242344

Arrangements to support key worker and EHCP families during school closure

As you know, the Government has directed that schools must close from the end of the school day on Friday 20th March 2020. In response to this, we have worked to ensure that parents and pupils can access learning support online and will continue to keep you updated about how this will work and to make sure, if the period of closure is extended, that these resources are developed to support the education of your child. Please continue to visit the school website, Twitter and Facebook page to keep up to date with the arrangements we are making. We are making interim arrangements to provide vouchers for those eligible for free school meals and will be in contact separately with those families early next week. Our team is pleased that schools will continue to be able to make provision for the children of key workers to enable our communities to function effectively and provide the support that is necessary for the most vulnerable. This includes those whose roles keep us safe and those who support others receiving care, medical treatment and hospitalisation.  In these unprecedented times, we are committed to doing all we can to meet these needs and are looking at how we extend this support into the Easter break. We still do not have a definitive list of those identified as key workers but as a starting point, working with the Local Authority, schools and trusts  across the region we have identified the following groups: NHS staff Teachers and support staff Police and…

Latest update from Ms Poulter – Coronavirus

Given the address made by the Prime Minister late yesterday afternoon, I have taken steps to address some of the emerging issues. My immediate concern is how to manage the site safely in response to staff illness and absence due to self-isolation.  What follows is our direction and advice as it currently stands though it is quite conceivable that further updates will follow tomorrow. At this stage, I would like to confirm that we have no confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus, and lessons have continued as normal today.   We have however, decided to postpone the year 8 guidance meetings as from today (year 8 parents will be contacted separately regarding the rearrangement of these meetings), all clubs and extra-curricular activities have been cancelled, and the year 11 Preparation for Exams evening scheduled for 2nd April has been postponed. As a result of the current situation I have also taken the decision to cancel any external visitors to the College which unfortunately means all peripatetic music lessons will cease with immediate effect. The Government has suggested schools remain open for Key Workers children.  Whilst I am awaiting a definition of who these are, I would be grateful if you could email office@bassingbournvc.org if you work for the Police, Fire Service or NHS; please detail if you are frontline staff (e.g. doctors, nurses) or administrative support and/or management. Current Health Advice: Staff and students already in self- isolation should now increase their time from 7 days to 14 days; • Where one family member is showing signs of the mild…

Coronavirus Update

In light of recent developments with regards to Covid -19, I wanted to write and reassure you on the measures, as a school, we are taking to ensure that our students and staff are kept safe at this unprecedented time. All members of our community are, and have been for a number of weeks, reminded about following hygiene practises through posters in toilets which demonstrate effective handwashing techniques.  Furthermore, hand sanitizer is available throughout the school. However, in line with new government guidelines outlined yesterday, we do now ask parents to support additional measures introduced to keep our school safe.  As a result, if your child has a temperature of 37.8c and above or has as a new continuous cough, we ask you self-isolate for 7 days.  In addition, if your child has been in close contact with a confirmed case, we request you self-isolate for 14 days. More information on this can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ Furthermore the Department for Education has a Coronavirus helpline for parents, staff and young people.  Phone: 0800 046 8687 Can I kindly remind you that with all absences, you will need to inform the school office on a daily basis via absence@bassingbournvc.org.  We do ask you email every day, even when self-isolating, as it is imperative we continue to follow our safeguarding practices. In addition, following the new government advice, we have cancelled all residential trips that were planned between now and Easter.  While we understand this is disappointing for students, we do feel this is the right…

Spanish Exchange at BVC

This week, we wished a fond farewell to Spanish students. Year 9, Jess Grant describes the visit. On 3rd March BVC students hosted the return trip for their Spanish exchanges from Albacete. We were all really excited to see our partners again as we hadn’t seen them for about 5 months. They arrived at 3.30 just in time to meet us and head home where they spent their 1st evening with their partner’s family's getting use to our English customs. On Wednesday they spend the day at the school doing fun activities and experiencing English school life. Activities included tours of the school, being treated to a cream tea, which got mixed opinions from both English and Spanish students, and a PE lesson. After an early start on Thursday the Spanish students spend a day in London sightseeing which they all enjoyed despite our typical British weather. On Friday both English and Spanish students spent the day in Cambridge touring round different Cambridge colleges, shopping, completing a fun scavenger hunt around the city and punting on the river. In the evening students returned home to be entertained by their host families. During the weekend students were kept busy by their families doing many different activities that included: a birthday party, bowling, sampling pub food, shopping, museums and someone even went indoor skydiving. Monday came too soon and their final day was spent in school doing different classroom activities with year 8. Tearful farewells marked the end of this year’s Spanish exchange however lifelong friendships and…

Coronavirus Update

We would like to reassure parents that all measures are being taken to ensure our pupils and staff are kept safe and we are following government guidance from Public Health England. We are reminding students of hygiene practices are displaying posters in toilets showing effective hand washing procedures.  We also have sanitizer in the first aid room and reception. Regarding school trips, we are continuing to follow Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) guidance for travel  https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus.  Claiming for cancellation of a school trip to an insurer is only possible if the FCO have advised against travel to the planned destination or if a cancellation is outside of your control e.g. a flight is cancelled.   All our planned trips abroad will therefore go ahead as planned unless we are advised by the FCO that travel is not permitted.  If that is the case, then we will contact parents directly.    If individual parents wish to withdraw their child from a trip abroad and the FCO has placed no restrictions on travel to the destination, then the parents will lose all the funds paid. A reminder that up to date government guidance can be found on their website - visit https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus  The latest travel guidance can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public Further information on what you should do if you are asked to self-isolate can be found here: https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/02/20/what-is-self-isolation-and-why-is-it-important/ There is also a Government Coronavirus action plan which can be found on their website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-action-plan The document includes: ·         what we know about the virus and the disease it causes ·        …

Stunning Cathedral trip

As part of Curriculum Day, Year 9 students went on a humanities trip to Ely to take part in a variety of activities based on Art, RE, History or Geography. Lottie Bond describes the trip: After a coach ride from Bassingbourn to Ely, each group started the morning differently - my group began in the stained-glass museum that was inside the Cathedral. We began by learning centuries-old techniques used by monks to create the windows, how they made different colours and why they were made. After the workshop we began touring around the museum. On every wall were stunning patterns and designs displaying pictures depicting anything from biblical stories to images of monarchs commissioned by kings themselves. Art students took particular interest in the museum as their next scheme of learning will be incorporating some of the art styles and techniques seen there, but everyone else still enjoyed the experience. My group next ventured downstairs, into the main part of the Cathedral. With ceilings as higher than they were wide, it is an understatement to say we, including the staff, were amazed with the beauty of it all. As we entered, both the ceilings and the walls were decorated with intricate designs showing biblical stories, including the Nativity, the Easter story and the Ascension. While we were all stunned at the cathedral itself, we were kept interested by our tour guide, who not only taught us about common Christian teachings but also opened up theological discussions into the nature of God, which I, as an…

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
