Remote Learning
There will be times that the school may have to implement remote education for a year group or for the whole school. The main part of our provision will be delivered through Google Classrooms and will feature a range of different teaching formats, such as:
- Full live lessons delivered by BVC staff using the Google Meet function of Google Classrooms.
- Partially live lessons where BVC staff will deliver a portion of the lesson live and set work for students to do for the rest of the lesson time.
- Tutorial lessons where BVC staff will invite small groups of students to participate in a live video session, whilst the other students are set work that needs minimal teacher input. These may be used to give feedback and support to students; develop individual students’ learning further; or to allow small group discussions to support learning.
- Lessons that feature no live video content. This could mean project work, pre-recorded information or using lessons from The Oak National Academy, alongside guidance and work set by the teacher remotely through the Google classroom.
During this time our expectations of the online curriculum are:
- Assignments are set so that students have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
- A planned and well-sequenced curriculum will be taught so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be learned and practised in each subject
- Frequent, clear explanations of new content are delivered by BVC staff or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos, such as The Oak National Academy
- Students will be regularly assessed to gauge how well they are progressing through the curriculum, using questioning and other suitable tasks, with teachers setting a clear expectation on which work will be assessed
- Teachers will adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure students’ understanding
- A programme will be delivered that is of equivalent length to the core teaching students would receive in school
The work set will closely follow the intended classroom based curriculum and should ensure that students are not unduly affected by the switch to online learning. Teachers will provide the relevant resources and support to enable the student to gain similar knowledge and understanding as they would if the school/year group was being taught in the school building.
The latest information about the topics and skills students are learning can be found here: Curriculum overview Spring Term 2021
This document also includes links to the Oak National Academy, Youtube, and exam board specifications which will provide a useful starting point if your child needs more information or if a member of staff is unable to set work due to illness.
Difficulty accessing Remote Education
All BVC families have been asked to inform the school regarding their personal ICT accessibility. Pupil Premium students and, where possible, other students with limited computer access have been provided with desktop computers and/or dongles to allow them to access the online learning provision. Our provision is designed to ensure that all students are able to access learning and takes into account the fact that some of our students will be sharing devices with siblings and parents or are only able to access the internet on their smartphones. If families find that they are having difficulty accessing the remote education provision, they should contact the school to see what support is available.
Accessing Google Classrooms through different devices