01763 242344

Environmental Conference

Schools discuss vulnerability of the Antarctic at COP27 event On Wednesday 16th November, 9 students from Bassingbourn Village College joined 13 other local schools at Sawston Village College for a special youth COP27 climate conference. Keynote speaker on the day was Dr Simon Morley, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).  Dr Morley shared with the conference how the research conducted by BAS informs and reinforces what actions are required to protect the Antarctic as well as the impact this has to the global climate. To understand the complexities of global cooperation, the next segment of the conference was run as if the students were taking part in global negotiations.  Each school was assigned a country and asked to prepare in advance opening arguments on the main environmental issues facing the country, ideas on how they could overcome them, as well as make a request of an allocation from the Climate Resilience Fund of £100billion.  Countries then voted on what proposals they would consider.  Bassingbourn Village College, represented Bangladesh, and reached the final five proposals. However, when it came to the required unanimous decision, all five were unable to achieve a unanimous vote.  Dr Morley, explained to the students that this is a current challenge facing global cooperation with climate decisions and allocation of resources, and that all countries have to agree but very rarely do. The final stage of the conference was to provide the students with the opportunity to discuss how they can impact change to their own communities.  Students explored ideas such as recycling initiatives and green…

Bassingbourn’s Virtual Trek 2022

As part of our drive to encourage our students to be physically active and to fundraise for the local community we are once again holding a sponsored virtual walk/run/cycle for staff and pupils. The event will run between Monday 28th March and Sunday 10th April to allow students to participate over the first week of the Easter holidays. We have a current goal to cover a collective distance of around 9000 miles, which equates to approximately a mile a day for each member of the school community over the fortnight. This year we have chosen to travel around the USA, starting at Harvard University and ending at MIT, both in Cambridge, Massachusetts, going via places such as Orlando, Los Angeles and Seattle and will visit a range of different states and landmarks. We will be updating our website and social media each day to show the progress being made along our virtual trek and how the different colleges are doing. For 2022 we are raising funds for East Anglian Air Ambulance, a local charity that delivers highly skilled doctors and critical care paramedics by air to seriously ill or injured people. More information about the East Anglian Air Ambulance can be found here: https://www.eaaa.org.uk . We will be using a separate JustGiving page for each college to be able to see how much each has raised and ask that those donating use the following links: Keller: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/keller-college Luther King: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/luther-king-college Moore: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/moore-college Shakespeare: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/shakespeare-college Whole school: https://www.justgiving.com/team/BVCStaffandStudents2022 Thank you in advance for your support and…

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
