01763 242344


At Bassingbourn Village College, we encourage our students to explore their ideas and individuality and to develop their own interests outside of the classroom. To support this we run a variety of extra-curricular clubs in PE, Creative Arts – Music, Drama and Dance, English with Creative Writing, as well clubs such as chess and lego clubs.

For our students in Creative Arts these clubs support their growth in confidence which can been witnessed throughout the school year with a variety of performances, showcasing these achievements, their passion and progression.  As a result many students, after leaving us, become accomplished musicians, artist and actors.

In addition to clubs, a number of our students take weekly peripatetic music lessons and we currently have experienced and dedicated teachers for Drum, Guitar, Brass, Singing, Woodwind and we soon will be able to offer String lessons too.

For our students who enjoy PE, we encourage everyone, whatever their level, to engage in sport and to be ambitious in reaching their goals.  We emphasise the development of life-long skills and an understanding of what it means to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.  Consequently, our sporting success is outstanding.  Our students regularly achieve representative honours and awards across a wide variety of sporting disciplines.  Our dedicated PE department ensures we participate in a full range of competitive sports and focus upon the development of leadership.

If you would like to review the extra-curricular clubs on offer this half term please visit our student area: Extra-curricular | Bassingbourn Village College (bassingbournvc.net)





Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
