01763 242344


School uniform items including the school blazer, skirt, school tie and all PE items with the school logo (identified below with *) are available to order online from: www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/bassingbourn


Uniform PE and Games Kit
  • Blazer*

Plain black with school logo

  • Trousers

Plain black, business style, no boot cut, skinny or flared trousers.  No cords, jeans, cropped trousers.  Only dark buttons or belts allowed.

  • Skirt**

Black school-style skirt (straight or pleated and of non stretch material) which should sit at or below knee length.

  • Shirt

White, long enough to tuck into trousers/skirt and a correct collar to wear a tie properly.

  • Tie*

School tie

  • Jumper**

Black V-neck jumper with or without school logo. May be worn during winter months under the blazer. This should not be worn instead of a blazer.  If purchased without a school logo, the jumper must be of the same style and material as that which can be purchased on Price & Buckland’s website. No sweatshirts or hoodies, including zip up hoodies may be worn.

  • Socks

Ankle or knee-length, dark grey, white or black.

  • Shoes

Black.  Leather/leather type uppers no canvas shoes.  In the interest of safety, heels no more than 3 cm high.  No training shoes.


  • Polo Shirt*

Gold and black with school logo

  • Rugby Shirt for rugby*

Gold and black with school logo

  • Fleece*

Black with school logo

  • Shorts **

Black with or without school logo.  If purchased without a school logo, the shorts must be of the same style and material as that which can be purchased on Price & Buckland’s website.


  • Socks

Black sports socks

  • Gum shields/shin pads
  • Hair tie
  • Trainers
  • Football boots


  • Jogging bottoms

Plain black

  • Waterproof jacket*

Gold and black with school logo

** Whilst we do recommend that the above items are purchased from Price & Buckland, the skirt, jumper and shorts can also be purchased in plain black, but MUST be of the same style and material of those items that are purchased from Price & Buckland.

Discreet make-up only is permitted, no nail varnish, fake nails or jewellery is allowed except for a wristwatch and for pierced ears when one pair of plain studs only may be worn.  Any form of facial or body piercing is not permitted.   Hairstyles should be of natural colour. We do not allow extremes of styles, or colour. No patterns or shaved heads allowed. For PE students are expected to have long hair tied back for Health and safety reasons.

Uniform should be worn in a ‘smart and business like’ manner at all times when inside the building.   This means shirts tucked in and ties done up properly.

Students in year 11 have the privilege of wearing a plain black business suit and year 11 tie.  The tie can be purchased through Wise Pay. If Year 11 students choose not to wear the current year 11 tie, then they will be expected to wear the normal school tie. Students choosing to wear skirts must ensure they are of an appropriate length for a business environment.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in confidence if you need any help in sourcing items of uniform as we do currently have some nearly new/pre-loved uniform available.

The school will have final say in relation to the suitability of uniform items.

On behalf of BVC, the PFA are now running a second-hand school uniform sale. You can find the latest available stock by joining their new Facebook group and accessing their live Google sheet. You can pay via PayPal to reserve your items, and collect from school  facebook.com/groups/ParentsandFriendsofBVC

Personal mobile telephones, IPods, IPads etc are permitted in college; they are to be used in line with the college’s ICT Acceptable Use policy and are brought in to school at the owner’s risk.   Mobile Phones used inappropriately will be confiscated and parents will be requested to collect them from the school office.

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
