01763 242344

Careers Education and Events

Careers Education and Events

We value Careers Education and as such, have embedded it in both our curriculum and calendar. Each year group has a module of careers education taught through Personal Development and will experience at least one encounter with employers each year. Our whole-year group events are organised by Form the Future and enable our students to experience a range of encounters throughout their time at school.

If you are interested in being part of a careers event, please contact Rebecca Hields at Bassingbourn Village College or Form the Future using the link below.

Our students also experience Careers Education across all subjects. Employability skills and linking the curriculum to the wider working world are embedded in schemes of learning for all year groups.


Key Events (subject to availability)

Year 11

Year 11 Information Evening – introduction of key transition information for Year 11, distribution of prospectuses, demonstration of Mychoice@16, general administration information.

Year 11 tutor evening – 6th form, apprenticeship and employer stands. Brief meeting with tutor to discuss goals for year before spending time visiting stands.

PD module on making applications and practising for interviews

Mock interviews – January – organised through Form the Future

Year 10

PD module on writing CVs, opportunities after BVC, and online reputations

Year 10 Information Evening – introduction to college application information and update on possible destinations, Internships launch

Apprenticeship talk – organised through Form the Future

CV Writing

Careers workshops

Year 9

PD module on different pathways, personal statements, and skills & qualities

Careers Carousel – organised through Form the Future

Year 8

PD module on aspirations, post 16 research and the Options process

Enterprise Day – organised through Form the Future

Tenner Challenge

Options Evening – introduction to colleges and possible destinations

Individual guidance meetings – discussion about Options based on future plans

Year 7

PD module on business ideas and skills & qualities.

What’s my line careers event – organised through Form the Future

Other events – open to all year groups


Motivational talks about keeping an open mind about careers

Taster days for a range of post 16 colleges

Careers and Apprenticeships assemblies

Workplace visits


We try to offer a wide variety of employers at our events and recently have had visitors from Johnson Matthey and the Police force, amongst others. We are always looking for more volunteers to come and talk to our students. If this is something that you could offer, please contact Rebecca Hields, Assistant Principal on 01763 242344 or rhields@bassingbournvc.org

External links:

Form the Future – https://formthefuture.org.uk/

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
