01763 242344

Curriculum Day activities

The normal timetable was suspended on Tuesday to allow students to enjoy extended activities related to specific curriculum areas.

Year 7 enjoyed classroom-based activities related to poetry and performance while Year 8 covered wellbeing in PSHE, seeing first-hand how to deal with worries and the power of listening to each other chat over a simple cup of hot chocolate.

A trip to Ely saw Year 9 enjoy a Humanities trip to Ely where they were able to visit the Oliver Cromwell Museum, Ely Cathedral, the stained glass museum looking at religious art and a geography field study within the city.

The PE and Science departments joined forces with Year 10 to look at how we process food and burn calories – literally! Activities ranged from chocolate tasting to fitness sessions, all linking to wellbeing and healthy eating.

The Year 11 pastoral team took students on a day-trip to the O2 to recognise their hard work so far this year. The students voted to visit the Oxygen Freejumping Park where they were able to take part in a number of activities including virtual reality games, bowling, watching a film and a visit to the interactive Sky Studios.

BVC Principal Vickey Poulter said: “It takes a lot of planning to run a Curriculum Day and the whole day was particularly busy – including an impromptu fire alarm at the end of the day!

“I spoke to a number of students across year groups and they all said how much they had enjoyed the day so I’d like to publicly thank all the staff involved for giving our students these types of experiences and to extend and enrich the activities that they already do on a daily basis.”

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
