01763 242344

BVC turns yellow!

#HelloYellow was the theme at BVC as our students dressed in sunshine colours to raise awareness of Young Minds UK, a charity that works with young people who are struggling with their mental health.

As part of World Mental Health Day, students were encouraged to wear yellow and donate £1 for the privilege of doing so. Almost £200 was raised.

Mental health and student well-being is a key focus for the college. In a bid to address students needs we have a YMCA councillor in college each week offering support for self-esteem, emotional management, social skills and transitions.

Mrs Piggott also runs a drop-in session in The Hive, our student support centre, on a Friday lunchtime for students who would like to talk about any emotional concerns they might have. In addition, all students are encouraged to Think Pink and fill out (anonymously) a pink slip if they feel a friend needs some support.


Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
