01763 242344

An evening of Christmas Sparkle!

Students from across the school are planning a charity fund-raising extravaganza which will take place on the evening (7-9pm) of Friday, 6th December.

Raising funds for the Year 11 Prom, alongside Meningitis Research, Camsight, Jimmy’s Night Shelter and the Garden House Hospice, the evening will feature pampering stalls and Christmas shopping opportunities, with festive entertainment and lots of sparkling refreshments.

Tickets are available from Reception or through Wisepay. £10 for Prosecco & Pud ticket; £5 for just Puds. BVC students go free.

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
