01763 242344

Physics outreach trip

Year 7 students were fortunate enough to spend a day as the guests of Cambridge University, experiencing life in a college and a hands-on physics tutorial.

The Cambridge Physics Experience (CPE) is a one-day event organised by the University of Cambridge’s Cavendish laboratory in collaboration with several Cambridge Colleges.

The day included a morning tour of Magdalene college, followed by information about studying at university, and advice on Higher Education and applying to university. Students particularly enjoyed searching for the secret door in the wood paneling of the formal dining hall.

After lunch the students visited the Cavendish Laboratory, where they were given a tour of the museum which contains many historically important pieces of apparatus which have contributed to major discoveries by members of the Laboratory. Exhibits include apparatus used by Maxwell, Thomson, Rutherford, Aston, Cockcroft and Walton. Post Second World War exhibits include the discovery of pulsars, and the structure of the DNA molecule.

Students were then split into teams for a practical session when they were tasked with building a robust Mars Rover.

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
