01763 242344

Spanish visitors to BVC

It has been a busy week at BVC with students playing host to their Spanish Exchange students.

22 students from Escolapios Albacete visited the college on the return leg of our Spanish Exchange.

Accompanied by teachers Lola Martinez and Francoise Alessandri, the Spanish students stayed with families in Bassingbourn and the surrounding villages, having been matched previously when the BVC students visited Spain in October last year.

The Spanish students spent time with their English counterparts in school enjoying such delights as a traditional cream tea and board games, a treasure hunt, a creative arts presentation by the BVC college captains. One of the highlights was a geography lesson when English and Spanish students alike discovered the complexities of Cockney rhyming slang. An evening event was held in college with students and host families alike enjoying a buffet and … a game of bingo!

In addition to free time spent with their English families, the Spanish group also visited Cambridge and London, packing lots of sightseeing and experiences into their trip.


Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
