01763 242344

Pocket poetry

BVC staff and students celebrated National Poetry Day by carrying poems in their pockets!

Anyone carrying a poem proudly wore a sticker saying ‘I’ve got a poem in my pocket’ and were challenged with reading their poem to anyone who asked. There was also a chocolate reward involved from Mr Clover.

This year’s theme for National Poetry Day was CHANGE and students were able to enter a special poetry competition run by Mrs Daniells on that theme.

Well done to all students who participated and thanks to the Y11s for judging the competition. Our winners were:

4th place Eleanor Spicer MJMB 25 college points
3rd place Rachel Sutton KRW 50 college points
2nd place Eleanor Murfitt SJL 75 college points
1st place Amelia Taylor SKN/VPI (left)  100 college points and a box of chocolates.

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
