01763 242344

GCSE Certificate Evening

Bassingbourn Village College welcomed back last year’s year 11 students to celebrate their excellent exam achievements at the college’s annual Awards Evening. The guest speaker was former pupil Kate Gwynn who is now a successful actor and runs her own drama company Divergent Drama.

Students collected their summer exam certificates and cheered as school trophies and prizes awarded in each subject. Main prize winners were: Charlotte Day (Art, Graphics and English), Nadia Miller (BTEC Construction), Jemima Chamberlain (BTEC Media), Jordan Bye (BTEC Science), Alex Collet-Sinfield (Computing and Music), Georgia Bartlett (Drama), Lois Daw (Dual Linguist and Hospitality & Catering), Kate Weddepohl (French), Holly Anderson (GCSE PE), Finley Burchett (Geography), Jason Tai (History), Lauren Gwyther (Health & Social Care, Latin and Maths), Matthew Gillman (PSD/ICT), Maddie Smith (Religious Education), Joe Failettaz (Resistant Materials), Elena Strollo (Sociology), Daisy Bergin, (Spanish), Lotti Barrett (Additional Science), Melissa Jakes (Further Additional Science), Isobel Holcroft (Textiles). The Principal’s Award for Contribution to the life of Bassingbourn Village College was awarded to Charlotte Heavey (Keller College), Daisy Bergin (Luther King College), Ellen Jenkins (Moore College), Kerris Hughes and Olivia Walker (both Shakespeare College).

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
